We are proud to work with industry leaders to urge policymakers to preserve QSBS tax treatment given.
On September 30, 2021, CapGains Inc. (d/b/a QSBS Expert), along with the following organizations, sent the below letter to members of Congress to inform them as to why preserving QSBS is important to the US economy.
Small businesses and startups are at the heart of the American economy, driving the majority of all new job creation, innovation, and opportunity for their employees. As the United States seeks to build a broad-based economic recovery that expands opportunity to more people, we believe our country’s tax regime should advance that ambition – and QSBS is a great mechanism for doing so.
Advanced Medical Technology Association
Angel Capital Association
Biotechnology Innovation Organization
Center for American Entrepreneurship
Financial Technology Association
National Venture Capital Association
QSBS Expert
Small Business Investor Alliance

This article does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please consult with your legal or tax advisor with respect to your particular circumstance.