Wisconsin Adopts QSBS!

You may have noticed some more blue on our state QSBS map. As of October 25, 2023, Wisconsin allows for the full QSBS exclusion! Governor Tony Evers signed Assembly Bill 406 which modified Wisconsin's conformity to Federal QSBS, retroactive to QSBS gains realized after December … Read More

Early-Stage Valuation and QSBS

In a recent article about the state of pre-seed valuation, Brett Calhoun of ScaleVC discusses the challenges of valuing pre-seed startups and how to avoid overvaluation. Calhoun notes that pre-seed startups are often overvalued because they have little to no track record and are therefore difficult to … Read More

Preserving QSBS During Banking Turmoil

Upon the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic Bank and other banks during 2023, many companies moved cash which may pose risks for QSBS eligibility in various ways.  Excess Cash or Other Holdings (perhaps from drawing down on lines of credit) may cause a company to fail … Read More

QSBS Legislation Seeks to Expand Access to QSBS Benefits

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) provides a great incentive to fuel innovation in the US, by providing eligible shareholders with an up to 100% capital gains tax exclusion.  QSBS helps to drive capital to endeavors that are “too risky” for many to fund, but such early-stage businesses … Read More

Is QSBS litigation “about to get big”?

In a TaxNotes article from April 10, 2023, Nathaniel S. Pollock of SouthBank Legal examines recent litigation involving QSBS and notes that the case may be the "tip of the QSBS litigation iceberg".  To date, QSBS litigation and other rulings have been limited to few cases, a handful … Read More

Did Trump Claim QSBS in his Tax Returns?

The House Ways and Means Committee released former President Donald Trump’s tax returns for 2015 – 2020 on December 30, 2022 - see the returns in the Attachment E link here. We wondered whether Trump claimed QSBS on any investment gains during these years?  Where to look? … Read More